AC Circuit MCQs-7


Important MCQs of AC Circuit

In this post, some of the important MCQs of AC circuit is given. It includes series LC circuit, lagging power factor, leading power factor, series resonance mcq, power factor of series resonance, impedance at the resonance, relation between resonance frequency and off resonance frequency, power factor at series resonance, condition for series resonance, impedance at series resonance and series resonance as accepter circuit.

ac circuit mcqs

   AC Circuit MCQs: 121 – 125

121   The series L – C circuit becomes inductive when

          ( a )VL = VC

          ( b )VL> VC

          ( c )VC> VL

          ( d )VR = 0

Correct Answer ( b ): VL > VC

When the voltage across inductance is higher than that of capacitor, it is called as lagging circuit or inductive circuit.

122   The power factor of the series L – C circuit becomes leading when

          ( a )VC > VL

          ( b )VC< VL

          ( c )VC = VL

          ( d )VR = VL

Correct Answer ( a ): VC > VL

When the voltage across capacitor is higher than that of inductance, it is called as leading circuit or capacitive circuit.

123   The power factor of the series L – C circuit becomes unity when

          ( a )VC > VL

          ( b )VC < VL

          ( c )VC = VL

          ( d )VR = VC

Correct Answer ( c ): VC = VL

When the voltage drop across inductor is equal to voltage drop across capacitor, it is called as series resonance circuit and under such condition Z = R therefore power factor is unity.

124   The current leads voltage in the series L – C circuit only when

          ( a )XL = XC

          ( b )XL>XC

          ( c )XC>XL

          ( d )XL = XR

Correct Answer ( c ): XC > XL

Whatever the condition, when current leads voltage vector, it is capacitive circuit or leading power factor circuit.

125   The impedance of the series R – L – C circuit is

          ( a )R + j XL

          ( b )R – j XC

          ( c )R + j ( XL – XC )

          ( d )R + j ( XL ~ XC )

Correct Answer ( d ): R + j ( XL ~ XC )

The impedance of the series RLC circuit is given by Z = R + j ( XL ~ XC )

When XL > XC  resulting XL – XC

Similarly, when XC > XL resulting XC – XL

  AC Circuit MCQs: 126 – 130

126   The unit of impedance is

          ( a )Mho

          ( b )Ohm

          ( c )Siemens

          ( d )Ohm –1

Correct Answer ( b ): Ohm

Unit of impedance is ohm

127   The losses in the ideal 60 µf capacitor is

          ( a )60 Watt

          ( b )600 Watt

          ( c )60 / √ 2 Watt

          ( d )Zero watt

Correct Answer ( d ): Zero watt

It is ideal capacitor therefore power factor is zero.

128   The condition for series resonance is

          ( a )XL – XC > 0

          ( b )XL – XC < 0

          ( c )XL< 1

          ( d )XL– XC = 0

Correct Answer ( d ): XL – XC = 0

The series resonance of the given circuit is possible when the capacitive reactance is equal to inductive reactance.

129   The power factor of the series resonance circuit is

          ( a )0.8 lagging

          ( b )0.8 leading

          ( c )Unity

          ( d )Zero

Correct Answer ( c ): Unity

At series resonance, Z = R or we can say that impedance is equal to resistance therefore power factor of the series resonance is unity.

130   The series resonance circuit requires

          ( a )Constant voltage, Constant frequency

          ( b )Variable voltage, Constant frequency

          ( c )Constant voltage, Variable frequency

          ( d )Variable voltage, Variable frequency

Correct Answer ( c ): Constant voltage, Variable frequency

The series resonance required constant voltage from 0 – 10 V ac supply and variable frequency supply of 500 Hz to 500 kHz.

AC Circuit MCQs: 131 – 135

131   The impedance of the series resonance circuit at resonance frequency is

          ( a )R

          ( b )R + j XL

          ( c )R + j ( XL – XC)

          ( d )R – j XC

Correct Answer ( a ): R

At series resonance XL = XC therefore voltage drop across inductor is equal to voltage drop across capacitor VC = VL

Impedance Z = √ R2 + ( XL – XC )2

Therefore Z = R

More Details About Series Resonance

132   Which of the following condition is true condition at series resonance?

          ( a )VL> VC

          ( b )VL< VC

          ( c )VC = VL

          ( d )VR= VC

Correct Answer ( c ): VC = VL

At series resonance XL = XC therefore voltage drop across inductor is equal to voltage drop across capacitor VC = VL

133   The series resonance frequency is

          ( a )1 / √ ( LC )

          ( b )1 / 2π √ ( LC )

          ( c )2π / √ ( LC )

          ( d )1 / π √ ( LC )

Correct Answer ( b ):  1 / 2π √ ( LC )

At the series resonance XL = XC

                                       2πfL = 1/2πfL

                                        f2 = 1/ 4π2LC

                                        f = 1/2π√LC

134   Which of the following parameter becomes minimum at series resonance?

          ( a )Voltage

          ( b )Impedance

          ( c )Power factor

          ( d )Power loss

Correct Answer ( b ): Impedance

At the series resonance, inductive reactive is equal to capacitive reactance therefore impedance becomes minimum at resonance condition.

Z = R because XL = XC

135   The series resonance current is limited by

          ( a )XL – XC

          ( b )XL

          ( c )R

          ( d )XC

Correct Answer ( c ): R

At series resonance Z = R therefore current is limited by the resistance of the circuit.

AC Circuit MCQs: 136 – 140

136   The current vector______ with the supply voltage vector at the resonance in the series R – L – C circuit.

          ( a )Lags

          ( b )Leads

          ( c )Is in phase

          ( d )Any of the above

Correct Answer ( c ): Is in phase

At the resonance condition, impedance of RLC circuit is equal to resistance of the circuit therefore voltage vector is in phase with current vector at the resonance.

Z = R at resonance condition

XC > XL at lower frequency and less than resonance frequency

XL > XC at higher frequency and greater than resonance frequency

137   The series resonance circuit is also called as 

          ( a )Current resonance

          ( b )Voltage resonance

          ( c )Power resonance

          ( d )Power factor resonance

Correct Answer ( b ): Voltage resonance

At the resonance, voltage drop across inductor and capacitor may be higher than the supply voltage therefore series resonance circuit is also called as voltage resonance.

138   The series resonance circuit is a  

          ( a )Acceptor circuit

          ( b )Rejector circuit

          ( c )Either ( a ) or ( b)

          ( d )None of the above

Correct Answer ( a ): Acceptor circuit

As the current is maximum in the series resonance circuit, , it produces large voltage across inductor and capacitor but these voltage drops are equal and opposites cancel each other. If R is not present in the circuit, LC circuit act like short circuit to current at the resonance frequency. Hence the series resonance circuit is called as resonance circuit or referred as voltage resonance.

139   The relation between resonance frequency ( fo ) and off resonance frequency ( f ) is _______. ( where fo is resonance frequency and f is off resonance frequency )

          ( a )fo = f √ ( XL / XC )

          ( b )fo = f √ ( XC / XL )

          ( c )fo = f √ ( XC XL)

          ( d )f = fo √ ( XC /  XL )

Correct Answer ( b ): fo= f √ ( XC / XL )

140   Which of the following parameter becomes maximum at series resonance?

          ( a )Admittance

          ( b )Current

          ( c )Impedance

          ( d )Both ( a ) and ( b )

Correct Answer ( d ): Both ( a ) and ( b )

The impedance is minimum at the series resonance therefore current and admittance is maximum at the series resonance.

I = V / Zmin

Y = 1 / Zmin

Where Y is admittance and I is current at resonance

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