AC Circuit MCQs-9


Important AC Circuit MCQs

In this post, some of the AC Circuit MCQs are given. It includes upper cut off frequency, half power, lower cut off frequency, power factor at half power points, upper cut off frequency at resonance, lower cut off frequency at resonance, Q factor of series resonance circuit, Q factor is ratio of, high Q factor of series resonance circuit, meaning of higher Q factor, power dissipation at series resonance frequency and power dissipation at off series resonance frequency.

AC Circuit MCQs: 181 – 185

181   The upper cut off angular frequency at half power is given by

          ( a )ωo ( 1 – 1/2Qo )      

          ( b )ωo ( 1 + 1/2Qo )       

          ( c )ωo × Qo

          ( d )ωo / Qo

Correct Answer ( b ): ωo( 1 + 1/2Qo )      


The upper cut off angular frequency at half power

The upper cut off angular frequency at half power

182   The lower cut off angular frequency at half power is given by

          ( a )ωo × Qo

          ( b )ωo / Qo

          ( c )ωo( 1 – 1 / 2 Qo )       

          ( d )ωo ( 1 + 1 / 2Qo )       

Correct Answer ( c ): ωo( 1 – 1/2 Qo )       


The lower cut off angular frequency at half power is

The lower cut off angular frequency at half power is

183   Which of the following relation is true at half power points?

          ( a )Ro = Xo

          ( b )Ro = ± Xo

          ( c )Xo= Zo

          ( d )None of the above

Correct Answer ( b ): Ro = ± Xo



Which of the following relation is true at half power points?

184   The power factor at half power point is equal to

          ( a )Unity

          ( b )0.707

          ( c )Zero

          ( d )None of the above

 Correct Answer ( b ): 0.707

As Z = R at the resonance frequency therefore power factor at the resonance frequency is unity and current is maximum

At half power points, resistance is equal to reactance R = X

Therefore Z = √ R2 + R2 = √2R

Cos Φ = R/Z = R/√2R = 1/√2

Therefore Φ = 0.707 leading at point A ( less than resonance frequency ) and lagging at point B ( greater than resonance frequency )

185   The lower cut off frequency at resonance condition is

          ( a )fo – ( R / 4πL ) 

          ( b )fo + ( R / 4πL ) 

          ( c )fo – ( R / 2πL )

          ( d )fo+ ( R / 2πL ) 

Correct Answer ( a ): fo – ( R / 4πL ) 

AC Circuit MCQs: 186 – 190

186   The upper cut off frequency at resonance is given by______. (where fo is centre frequency )

          ( a )fo + ( R / 2πL ) 

          ( b )fo + ( R / 4πL ) 

          ( c )fo – ( R / 2πL )

          ( d )fo – ( R / 4πL ) 

Correct Answer ( b ): fo + ( R / 4πL ) 


186	The upper cut off frequency at resonance is given by______.

187   Which of the following relation is true at resonance condition? (Where fo is centre frequency)

          ( a )Δf = fo × Qo

          ( b )Δf = Qo /  fo

          ( c )Δf =  fo / Qo

          ( d )Δf = f1 + f2

Correct Answer ( c ): Δf = fo / Qo

188   The Q Factor of the series resonance circuit is related to

          ( a )Voltage magnification

          ( b )Current magnification

          ( c )Power magnification

          ( d )All of the above

Correct Answer ( a ): Voltage magnification

Higher value of Q factor of the resonance curve means higher selectivity of the coil or higher voltage magnification.

189   The Q factor of a series resonance circuit is

          ( a )1 / ωoRC

          ( b )1 / ωoRL

          ( c )ωo / RL

          ( d )ωo / RC

Correct Answer ( a ): 1 / ωoRC

Q factor Qo = ωo / Bandwidth

                      = ωoL / R

                      = 1 / ωoCR

                      = 1/R √( L/C)

                      = fo / f2 – f1

190   The Q factor of a series resonance circuit is ratio of     

          ( a )Active power / apparent power

          ( b )Active power / reactive power

          ( c )Reactive power / active power

          ( d )None of the above

Correct Answer ( c ): Reactive power / active power

Q factor of series resonance = Reactive power/ Active power

                                                   = IoXLo / IoR

                                                   = XLo / R

                                                   = ωoL / R


Q factor Qo = ωo / Bandwidth

                      = ωoL / R

                      = 1 / ωoCR

                      = 1/R √( L/C)

                      = fo / f2 – f1

AC Circuit MCQs: 191 – 197

191   The Q factor of a series resonance circuit is ______. (Where Ф is power factor of the coil)

          ( a )Sin Ф

          ( b )Cos Ф

          ( c )tan Ф

          ( d )None of the above

Correct Answer ( c ): tan Ф

Q factor of series resonance circuit = ωoL / R = tan Φo

192   The quality factor of a series resonant circuit is given by

          ( a )√ ( L / C )

          ( b )( 1 / R ) √ ( L / C )

          ( c )R √ ( L / C )

          ( d )R / √ ( LC )

Correct Answer ( b ): ( 1 / R ) √ ( L / C )

Q factor of series resonance = ωoL / R

                                              Qo = 2πfoL/R

Now, resonance frequency fo = 1/2π√ (LC)

                                            2πfo = 1/ √ (LC)

Therefore Q factor = 1{ √ (L/C) } / R

193   The high Q factor of a series resonance circuit means higher

          ( a )Current magnification

          ( b )Voltage magnification

          ( c )Selectivity

          ( d )Both ( b ) and ( c )

Correct Answer ( d ): Both ( b ) and ( c )

194   Higher value of Q factor means______ value of resistance of coil.

          ( a )High

          ( b )Medium

          ( c )Small

          ( d )Zero

Correct Answer ( c ): Small

Q factor = ωoL / R

High value of Q factor means lower value of resistance of higher value of inductance

195   The Q factor of series resonance circuit is

          ( a )fo / ( f2 – f1 )                            

          ( b )fo / ( f2 × f1 )                        

          ( c )( f2 – f1 ) / fo

          ( d )√ ( fo / f2 × f1 )                         

Correct Answer ( a ): fo / ( f2 – f1)                            

Q factor Qo = ωo / Bandwidth

                     = 2π fo / 2π f2 – 2π f1       

                     = fo / ( f2 – f1)                                               

196   The power dissipation in the series resonance circuit becomes maximum at

          ( a )XL > XC

          ( b )XL < XC

          ( c )XL = XC

          ( d )XC = 0

Correct Answer ( c ): XL = XC

At series resonance frequency, Z = R or ( XL = XC ) therefore current value become maximum at resonance frequency so power dissipation maximum at series resonance.

197   The power dissipation at off resonance frequency is reduced by a factor ______. (Where Q is tangent of the circuit phase angle)

          ( a )1 / ( 1 + Q )

          ( b )1 / ( 1 − Q )

          ( c )1 / ( 1 + Q2)

          ( d )1 / ( 1 − Q2)

Correct Answer ( c ): 1 / ( 1 + Q2 )

Power at resonance frequency Po = V2 / R

Power at off resonance frequency, frequency other than resonance frequency

P = I2R

   = (V/Z)2R

   = V2R / Z2

   = V2R / R2 + X2

   = V2R / R2 + X2R2/R2

   = V2R / R2 + Q2R2  ( Where Q = tangent of circuit phase angle = tan θ

   = V2R / R2 ( 1 + Q2 )  

   = V2 / R ( 1 + Q2 )  

   = Po / ( 1 + Q2 )  

Therefore power at off resonance is equal to Po / ( 1 + Q2 )  

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 More Detail About Q Factor

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