Basic Electrical MCQs-1


Important Basic Electrical MCQs

In this post, some of the important basic electrical mcqs are given. It includes atom, nucleus, mass of proton, charge of electron, shape of orbit, number of electrons in orbit, conducting material, positive charged, negative charged, unit of electric potential, definition of potential and potential of earth.

basic electrical mcqs


Basic Electrical MCQs 1 to 5

1     The central part of an atom is called as a

       ( a )Electron

       ( b )Proton

       ( c )Neutron

       ( d )Nucleus

 Correct Answer ( d ): Nucleus

2     The neutrons have_____ charge.

       ( a )Positive

       ( b )Negative

       ( c )No

       ( d )None of the above

Correct Answer ( c ): No

The neutron has no charge, proton have positive charge and electrons have negative charge, those two charges balance each other.

3     The central part of nucleus consists of ______. ( Where P is protons, N is neutrons and e is electrons )

       ( a )P + N

       ( b )P + e

       ( c )N + e

       ( d )Only electrons

 Correct Answer ( a ): P + N

The Centre of nucleus consists of proton and neutron, whereas electrons move in outer orbits.

4     The mass of proton is equal to _____ times mass of an electron.

       ( a )1480

       ( b )1840

       ( c )1890

       ( d )1980

Correct Answer ( b ): 1840

5     The charge of electron is

       ( a )1.602 x 10 –9 Coulomb

       ( b )1.602 x 10 –19 Coulomb

       ( c )1.802 x 10 – 6 Coulomb

       ( d )1.902 x 10 –19 Coulomb

 Correct Answer ( b ): 1.602 x 10 –19 Coulomb

 Basic Electrical MCQs 6 to 10

6     The atomic weight of an atom is equal to sum of

       ( a )Protons + neutrons

       ( b )Protons + electrons

       ( c )Neutrons + electrons

       ( d )Only electrons

 Correct Answer ( a ): Protons + neutrons

7     The shape of orbit is

       ( a )Circular

       ( b )Elliptical

       ( c )Parabola

       ( d )Hyperbola

Correct Answer ( b ): Elliptical

8     The atomic number of an atom is

       ( a )Number of protons

       ( b )Number of electrons

       ( c )Number of neutrons

       ( d )Either ( a ) or ( b )

Correct Answer ( d ): Either ( a ) or ( b )

9     The number of electrons in any orbit is equal to ______. (Where n is orbit number) 

       ( a )n2

       ( b )2n2

       ( c )4n2

       ( d )8n3

Correct Answer ( b ): 2n2

10   The numbers of electrons in the last orbit are always

       ( a )Equal to 8

       ( b )Less than 8

       ( c )Greater than 8

       ( d )Either ( a ) or ( b )

 Correct Answer ( d ): Either ( a ) or ( b )

Basic Electrical MCQs 11 to 15

11   Which of the following is incomplete orbit of an atom?

       ( a )First

       ( b )Second

       ( c )Third

       ( d )Last

 Correct Answer ( d ): Last

12   Which of the following orbit of an atom has poor binding force with its own nucleus?

       ( a )Inner most

       ( b )Middle

       ( c )Outer most

       ( d )Central

Correct Answer ( c ): Outer most

The inner most orbit has higher binding force as compared to outer orbit.

13   An atom of any substance is

       ( a )Positive charged

       ( b )Negative charged

       ( c )Neutral

       ( d )Either ( a ) or ( b )

 Correct Answer ( c ): Neutral

14   Which of the following is highly conductive material?

       ( a )Copper

       ( b )Aluminum

       ( c )Silver

       ( d )Nickel

 Correct Answer ( c ): Silver

The conductivity of silver is higher than that of aluminum and copper.

Basic Electrical MCQs 16 to 20


15   One atom of metal provides only _____ free electron.

       ( a )Zero

       ( b )One

       ( c )Two

       ( d )Three

Correct Answer ( b ): One

16   When some electrons are removed from matter it becomes

       ( a )Positive charged

       ( b )Negative charged

       ( c )Neutral

       ( d )None of the above

Correct Answer ( a ): Positive charged

17   A body has negative charge of one coulomb, it means that the body has _____ of 6.28 × 1018 electrons.

       ( a )Deficit

       ( b )Excess

       ( c )Either ( a ) or ( b )

       ( d )None of the above

 Correct Answer ( b ): Excess

18   The unit of electric potential is

       ( a )Joule / coulomb

       ( b )Volt

       ( c )Joule / second

       ( d )Both ( a ) and ( b )

 Correct Answer ( d ): Both ( a ) and ( b )

Potential = Work done / charge

19   The ability of charged body to do work is called as

       ( a )Current

       ( b )Electrical potential

       ( c )Potential difference

       ( d )Energy

 Correct Answer ( b ): Electrical potential

20   The potential of earth is affected by

       ( a )Positive charge

       ( b )Negative charge

       ( c )Both ( a ) and ( b )

       ( d )None of the above

Correct Answer ( d ): None of the above

The potential of earth remains constant and it is equal to zero.

 More Details About Potential of Earth

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