Basic Electrical MCQs-2


Important Basic Electrical MCQs

In this post, some of the important Basic Electrical mcqs are given. It includes potential of earth, definition of potential, direction of current, unit of current, definition of resistance, definition of power, unit of resistivity, effect of temperature on resistance and reciprocal of resistance.

Basic Electrical MCQs 21 to 35

21   The potential of the earth is 

       ( a )– 10 Volt

       ( b )10.0 Volt

       ( c )2.0 Volt

       ( d )Zero Volt

Correct Answer ( d ): Zero Volt

The earth’s potential remains constant and it is equal to zero.

22   The difference in potential of two charged bodies is called as

       ( a )Electrical potential

       ( b )Potential difference

       ( c )Energy

       ( d )Charge

Correct Answer ( b ): Potential difference

23   If the two charged bodies have same potential, the potential difference between two bodies is equal to

       ( a )Zero volt

       ( b )+ 5 Volt

       ( c )– 5 Volt

       ( d )230 volt

Correct Answer ( a ): Zero volt

The potential of charged body A is 25.0 V and that of B is 20.0 V, therefore we can say that potential of A is higher than that of B. The direction of current flows from A to B. if two charged body have same potential, current is equal to zero.

24   The electric current flows due to

       ( a )Electrical potential

       ( b )Volt

       ( c )Potential difference

       ( d )Energy source

Correct Answer ( c ): Potential difference

25   The potential of charged body A is +25.0 volt and that of body B is +20 volt. The direction of current from

       ( a )Body A to B

       ( b )Body B to A

       ( c )Either ( a ) or ( b )

       ( d )Both ( a ) and ( b )

Correct Answer ( a ): Body A to B

Basic Electrical MCQs 26 to 30

26   The unit of current is

       ( a )Coulomb / second

       ( b )Joule / second

       ( c )Watt / second

       ( d )Voltage

 Correct Answer ( a ): Coulomb / second

      I = Q/t = Coulomb / second

27   How many electrons per second flow through a conductor for one ampere current?

       ( a )6.25 x 1018

       ( b )1.6 x 10 –19

       ( c )1.89 x 1018

       ( d )2.34 x 1018

 Correct Answer ( a ): 6.25 x 1018

Charge of electron is 1.6 x 10-19

for one ampere current, electrons per second = 1 / 1.6 x 10-19

                                                                                   = 6.25 x 1018

28   A battery has emf of 24 volts, it means that it supplies _____ joules of energy to each coulomb of charge.

       ( a )Zero

       ( b )Twelve

       ( c )Twenty-four

       ( d )None of the above

Correct Answer ( c ): Twenty-four

Emf V = Wq

Where V = Voltage, W = Work done per charge and q = charge

V= 24 Voltage and q = 1 coulomb

W = V/q = 24/1 = 24

29   The rate of change of energy is known as__________.

       ( a )Voltage

       ( b )Current

       ( c )Power

       ( d )kWh

 Correct Answer ( c ): Power

P = W / t

Power = Energy / second

Basic Electrical MCQs 31 to 35

30   The property of material which opposes the flow of current is known as

       ( a )Conductance

       ( b )Resistance

       ( c )Resistivity

       ( d )Reluctance

Correct Answer ( b ): Resistance

31   Acid and salt solutions are example of

       ( a )Insulator

       ( b )Semiconductor

       ( c )Conductor

       ( d )Both ( b ) and ( c )

Correct Answer ( c ): Conductor

32   The unit of resistance is

       ( a )Ohm

       ( b )Mho

       ( c )Siemens

       ( d )Ohm – meter

 Correct Answer ( a ): Ohm

33   One tera ohm is equal to

       ( a )106

       ( b )109

       ( c )1012

       ( d )10 – 12

Correct Answer ( c ): 1012

34   The resistance of a metallic conductor is directly proportional to

       ( a )Area

       ( b )Length

       ( c )1 / Area

       ( d )Both ( b ) and ( c )

 Correct Answer ( d ): Both ( b ) and ( c )

Resistance R = ρL/a

Where R = Resistance,

ρ = Resistivity of material,

a = Area of conductor

L = Length of conductor

Therefore, R α L and R α 1/a because resistivity is constant for any material

35   The unit of resistivity is

       ( a )Ohm

       ( b )Ohm / m

       ( c )Ohm – meter

       ( d )Mho

 Correct Answer ( c ): Ohm – meter

Basic Electrical MCQs 36 to 40

36   As the temperature increases, the resistance of the insulator

       ( a )Increases

       ( b )Decreases

       ( c )Does not affect

       ( d )Any of the above

Correct Answer ( b ): Decreases

As the temperature increases, the resistance of electrolytes, insulators decrease, therefore it has negative temperature co-efficient of resistance.

37   As the temperature increases, the resistance of the conductor

       ( a )Increases

       ( b )Decreases

       ( c )Does not affect

       ( d )Any of the above

 Correct Answer ( a ): Increases

As the temperature increases, the resistance of metal increases. The temperature – resistance graph is straight line. The metals have positive temperature co-efficient of resistance.

38   The resistance offered by a conductor having length of meter and area of one meter square is known as

       ( a )Resistance

       ( b )Conductance

       ( c )Resistivity

       ( d )Conductivity

 Correct Answer ( c ): Resistivity

Resistance R = ρL/a

a = 1 meter square and L = 1 meter

R = ρ(1)/(1)

Therefore R = ρ

So we can say that resistance is equal to resistivity when length is 1 meter and area is equal to 1 meter square.

39   Which of the following has least resistivity?

       ( a )Gold

       ( b )Nickel

       ( c )Silver

       ( d )Annealed copper

 Correct Answer ( d ): Annealed copper

 Detail About Annealed Copper 

40   The reciprocal of resistance is known as

       ( a )Conductance

       ( b )Conductivity

       ( c )Resistivity

       ( d )Permeability

 Correct Answer ( a ): Conductance

 Conductance = 1 / Resistance

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