Basic Electrical MCQs – 3


Important Basic Electrical MCQs

In this post, some of the important Basic Electrical mcqs are given. It includes reciprocal of resistivity, unit of conductivity, unit of conductance, ohm’s law, semiconductor at low temperature, resistivity of semiconductor material, temperature co-efficient of pure metal, temperature co-efficient of metal alloy, heating material, valance electrons in conductor, valance electrons in semiconductor, resistance of electrolyte, unit of temperature co-efficient of resistance and zero resistivity materials.

Basic Electrical MCQs 41 to 45

41   The reciprocal of resistivity is known as

       ( a )Conductance

       ( b )Conductivity

       ( c )Resistivity

       ( d )Permeability

 Correct Answer ( b ): Conductivity

42   The unit of conductivity is

       ( a )Siemens / meter

       ( b )Siemens

       ( c )1 / Siemens

       ( d )Ohm – meter

 Correct Answer ( a ): Siemens / meter

The conductance is reciprocal of resistance. R = ρL / A

G = 1/ρ ( A / L )

    = σ ( A / L )

Where σ = Conductivity and G = conductance

Therefore, unit of σ = G × L / a = Siemens × Meter / Meter Square

                                                   = Siemens / Meter

43   The unit of conductance is

       ( a )Ohm

       ( b )Siemens

       ( c )Ohm –1

       ( d )Both ( b ) and ( c )

 Correct Answer ( d ): Both ( b ) and ( c )

Conductance = 1/R = 1/ρ ( A / L )

The unit of conductor is ohm – 1 OR Siemens

44   Which of the following relation is true?

       ( a )V = IR

       ( b )I = VR

       ( c )R = VI

       ( d )V = I2R

 Correct Answer ( a ): V = IR

45   Ohm’s law is not applicable to

       ( a )Non-metallic

       ( b )Silicon carbide

       ( c )Metal

       ( d )Both ( a ) and ( b )

 Correct Answer ( d ): Both ( a ) and ( b )

Ohm’s law is not applicable for non-linear resistors or say V – I characteristics is not linear such as incandescent lamps, diodes, thermistors and varistors.

Basic Electrical MCQs 46 to 50

46   Which of the following must be constant for ohm’s law?

       ( a )Pressure

       ( b )Velocity

       ( c )Temperature

       ( d )Voltage

Correct Answer ( c ): Temperature

47   The semiconductor material at very low temperature acts as

       ( a )Conductor

       ( b )Insulator

       ( c )Super conductor

       ( d )None of the above

Correct Answer ( b ): Insulator

48   The free electrons in the insulator material are

       ( a )Zero

       ( b )One hundred

       ( c )1.6 x 1019

       ( d )One thousand

Correct Answer ( a ): Zero

The electrons in the insulating materials are tight binding to each other therefore free electrons are zero.

49   The resistivity of pure semiconductor material is in the range of

       ( a )1012 Ω – m

       ( b )10 –12 Ω – m

       ( c )1 Ω – m

       ( d )Zero

Correct Answer ( c ): 1 Ω – m

50   The temperature co – efficient of pure metal is

       ( a )Positive 

       ( b )Negative

       ( c )Zero

       ( d )Any of the above

Correct Answer ( a ): Positive 

Basic Electrical MCQs 51 to 55

51   The resistance of copper material becomes zero at temperature of

       ( a )0oC

       ( b )28oC

       ( c )– 234.5oC

       ( d )– 234.5oF

Correct Answer ( c ): – 234.5oC

52   The temperature coefficient of alloy material is

       ( a )Zero

       ( b )Small positive

       ( c )Negative

       ( d )Positive

 Correct Answer ( b ): Small positive

53   Which of the following material is used for making heating elements?

       ( a )Copper

       ( b )Aluminum

       ( c )Metal alloys

       ( d )Nickel

Correct Answer ( c ): Metal alloys

54   The valance electrons in the conductor material are

       ( a )4

       ( b )< 4

       ( c )> 4

       ( d )Zero

Correct Answer ( b ): < 4

The valance electrons in the conductors are less than 4, semiconductor is equal to 4 and insulator greater than 4.

55   The valance electrons in the semiconductor materials are

       ( a )< 4

       ( b )4

       ( c )> 4

       ( d )Zero

Correct Answer ( b ): 4

Basic Electrical MCQs 56 to 60

56   The resistance of the electrolyte _____ with increase in the temperature.

       ( a )Increases

       ( b )Decreases

       ( c )Does not affect

       ( d )Any of the above

Correct Answer ( b ): Decreases

The electrolyte has negative temperature co-efficient therefore its resistance decreases with increase in temperature.

57   The temperature coefficient of semiconductor material is

       ( a )Positive

       ( b )Negative

       ( c )Zero

       ( d )Any of the above

Correct Answer ( b ): Negative

58   As the temperature increases, the resistance of the _____ increases irregular and small.

       ( a )Pure metal

       ( b )Alloys

       ( c )Insulator

       ( d )Semiconductor

Correct Answer ( b ): Alloys

59   The unit of temperature coefficient of resistance is

       ( a )Ω / m

       ( b )1 / oC

       ( c )Ω / oC

       ( d )Mho / oC

Correct Answer ( b ): 1 / oC

Temperature co-efficient of resistance α = ΔR / R ( ΔT )

Where ΔR = Change in resistance

              ΔT = Change in temperature

Therefore α = 1 / ( ΔT ) = 1 / oC

60   Which of the following materials have zero resistivity?

       ( a )Conductors

       ( b )Semiconductors

       ( c )Insulators

       ( d )Super conductors

 Correct Answer ( d ): Super conductors

The electric resistance in the super conductor material is zero therefore it does not product any heat.

More Detail About Super Conductor Materials

Basic Electrical MCQs PDF

basic electrical mcqs 


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