MCQs on PN Junction Diode-1


Important MCQs on PN Junction diode

In this post, mcqs on semiconductor are given. It includes intrinsic semiconductor, extrinsic semiconductor, atoms of semiconductor, trivalent impurities, pentavalent impurities, minority charge carriers, majority charge carriers, potential barrier, forward biased, reverse biased, forward characteristics of PN junction diode.

MCQs on PN Junction diode: 1 to 5

1       The conduction of current in the intrinsic semiconductor is due to

          ( a )Free electrons

          ( b )Holes

          ( c )Both (a) and (b)

          ( d )None of the above

          Correct Answer (c):   Both (a) and (b)

2       The process of adding impurity to semiconductor material is called

          ( a )Doping

          ( b )Electron volt

          ( c )Bonding

          ( d )Alloying

          Correct Answer (a):   Doping

3       How many atoms of semiconductor required to produce imparity of one atom?

          ( a )1 × 1048

          ( b )1 × 1016

          ( c )1 × 108

          ( d )1 × 106

          Correct Answer (c):   1 × 108

4       What is main reason for adding impurity in the semiconductor material?

          ( a )Increase free electrons

          ( b )Increase holes

          ( c )Both (a) and (b)

          ( d )None of the above

          Correct Answer (c):   Both (a) and (b)

5       When trivalent impurity is added to pure semiconductor, large number of______ are created.

          ( a )Free electrons

          ( b )Holes

          ( c )Both (a) and (b)

          ( d )None of the above

          Correct Answer (a):   Free electrons

MCQs on PN Junction diode: 1 to 5

6       When pentavalent impurity is added to pure semiconductor, it is known as

          ( a )N – type conductor

          ( b )P – type conductor

          ( c )P – type semiconductor

          ( d )N – type semiconductor

          Correct Answer (d):   N – type semiconductor

7       Which of the following is not a donor type impurity?

          ( a )Indium

          ( b )Arsenic

          ( c )Antimony

          ( d )All of the above

          Correct Answer (a):   Indium

8       The minority charge carriers in the P type semiconductor material is

          ( a )Electrons

          ( b )Holes

          ( c )Both (a) and (b)

          ( d )None of the above

          Correct Answer (a):   Electrons

9       Which of the this semiconductor is electrically neutral?

          ( a )P-type semiconductor

          ( b )N-type semiconductor

          ( c )Both (a) and (b)

          ( d )None of the above

          Correct Answer (c):   Both (a) and (b)

10     The PN junction is formed by

          ( a )Soldering

          ( b )Welding

          ( c )Alloying

          ( d )Any of the above

          Correct Answer (c):   Alloying

MCQs on PN Junction diode: 11 to 15

11     The process of free electrons of n – side diffuse to p – side and holes of p – side to n – side in the semiconductor material is known as

          ( a )Alloying

          ( b )Diffusion

          ( c )Doping

          ( d )Soldering

          Correct Answer (b):   Diffusion

12     The potential barrier of the PN junction diode produce _____ field.

          ( a )Magnetic

          ( b )Electro static

          ( c )Electric

          ( d )All of the above

          Correct Answer (c):   Electric

13     The potential barrier of the forward bias PN junction is in the order of

          ( a )0.1 to 0.3 V

          ( b )1.0 to 5.0 V

          ( c )10 V

          ( d )100 V

          Correct Answer (a):   0.1 to 0.3 V

14     Which of the following will cancel potential barriers completely in the PN junction diode?

          ( a )Forward bias

          ( b )Reverse bias

          ( c )External bias

          ( d )None of the above

          Correct Answer (a):   Forward bias

15     The forward bias resistance of the PN junction is

          ( a )Low

          ( b )Very low

          ( c )High

          ( d )Very high

          Correct Answer (b):   Very low

MCQs on PN Junction diode: 16 to 20

16     When a free electron combines with a hole, it becomes a

          ( a )Free electron

          ( b )Valance electron

          ( c )Covalent bond

          ( d )None of the above

          Correct Answer (b):   Valance electron

17     The potential barrier of the silicon type PN junction diode is

          ( a )0.3 V

          ( b )0.7 V

          ( c )1.0 V

          ( d )2.75 V

          Correct Answer (b):   0.7 V

18     The potential barrier of the germanium type PN junction diode is

          ( a )0.3 V

          ( b )0.7 V

          ( c )1.0 V

          ( d )1.8 V

          Correct Answer (a):   0.3 V

19     The forward characteristics of the PN junction diode is

          ( a )Linear

          ( b )Non – linear

          ( c )Parabola

          ( d )Hyperbola

          Correct Answer (b):   Non – linear

20     When the applied voltage exceeds potential barrier of the PN junction diode, the PN junction behaves like a

          ( a )Conductor

          ( b )Semiconductor

          ( c )Insulator

          ( d )Either (b) or (c)

          Correct Answer (a):   Conductor

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