MCQs on PN Junction Diode-2


Important MCQs on PN Junction diode-2

In this post, mcqs on PN Junction diode are given. It includes reverse bias current, forward bias current, minimum reverse voltage, resistivity of silicon, velocity of electrons and fermi energy.

MCQs on PN Junction diode: 21 to 25

21    The reverse bias current of the PN junction diode is in the order of

        ( a )Ampere

        ( b )Kilo – ampere

        ( c )Milli – ampere

        ( d )Micro – ampere

        Correct Answer (d):   Micro – ampere

22    The reverse bias current of the PN junction diode is due to

        ( a )Minority carriers

        ( b )Majority carriers

        ( c )Holes

        ( d )Electrons

        Correct Answer (a):   Minority carriers

23    The forward bias current of the PN junction diode is due to

        ( a )Minority carriers

        ( b )Majority carriers

        ( c )Holes

        ( d )Electrons

        Correct Answer (b):   Majority carriers

24    The minimum reverse voltage at PN junction diode break down is called as

        ( a )Knee voltage

        ( b )Barriers voltage

        ( c )Turn on voltage

        ( d )Breakdown voltage

        Correct Answer (d):   Breakdown voltage

25    The forward voltage at which current starts to increase in PN junction diode rapidly is known as

        ( a )Breakdown voltage

        ( b )Knee voltage

        ( c )PIV

        ( d )Reverse voltage

        Correct Answer (b):   Knee voltage

           MCQs on PN Junction diode: 26 to 29

26    The minimum reverse voltage that can be applied to PN junction without damage it. This voltage is called as

        ( a )Breakdown voltage

        ( b )Knee voltage

        ( c )PIV

        ( d )Reverse voltage

        Correct Answer (c):   PIV

27    The resistivity of the silicon is

        ( a )60 Ω – m

        ( b )500 Ω – m

        ( c )6 × 103 Ω – m

        ( d )6 × 109 Ω – m

        Correct Answer (a):   60 Ω – m

28    Which of the following gives information about the velocities of electrons which participates in the electrical conduction?

        ( a )Conduction band

        ( b )Fermi level

        ( c )Valance band

        ( d )All of the above

        Correct Answer (b):   Fermi level

29    The Fermi energy is the maximum energy that occupied by an electron at

        ( a ) – 273 oK

        ( b )270 oK

        ( c )100 oK

        ( d )0 oK

        Correct Answer (d):   0 oK

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