MCQs on Semiconductor-1


Important MCQs on Semiconductor

In this post, mcqs on semiconductor are given. It includes resistivity of semiconductor, bonds in semiconductor, break co-valent bonds, energy required to break co-valent bonds, forbidden energy gap in semiconductor, conduction gap, valance band, trivalent impurity, temperature co-efficient of resistance, mission electron and charge of hole.

MCQs on Semiconductor: 1 to 5

1    Which of the following is not a semiconductor material?

      ( a )Carbon

      ( b )Silicon

      ( c )Selenium

      ( d )Graphite

      Correct Answer (d):   Graphite

2    The resistivity of semiconductor ______ than that of conductor.

      ( a )Low

      ( b )High

      ( c )Very high

      ( d )Any of the above

      Correct Answer (c):   Very high

3    The germanium acts as a _____ at very low temperature.

      ( a )Semiconductor

      ( b )Conductor

      ( c )Insulator

      ( d )Any of the above

      Correct Answer (c):   Insulator

4    The bonds in the semiconductors are formed by sharing of _____ electrons.

      ( a )Valance

      ( b )Free

      ( c )Conduction

      ( d )Any of the above

      Correct Answer (a):   Valance

5    The energy required to break co – valent bonds in the silicon is

      ( a )0.7 eV

      ( b )1.0 eV

      ( c )1.1 eV

      ( d )1.24 eV

      Correct Answer (c):   1.1 eV

MCQs on Semiconductor: 6 to 10

6    The energy required to break co – valent bonds in the germanium is

      ( a )0.7 eV

      ( b )1.0 eV

      ( c )1.1 eV

      ( d )1.24 eV

      Correct Answer (a):   0.7 eV

7    The germanium is a _____ element.

      ( a )Trivalent

      ( b )Tetravalent

      ( c )Pentavalent

      ( d )None of the above

      Correct Answer (b):   Tetravalent

8    The forbidden energy gap in the semiconductor is

      ( a )0.001 eV

      ( b )1 eV

      ( c )10 eV

      ( d )15 eV

      Correct Answer (a):   0.001 eV

9    Which of the following band is never empty or always filled with electrons?

      ( a )Conduction

      ( b )Valance

      ( c )Forbidden energy

      ( d )None of the above

      Correct Answer (b):   Valance

10  Which of the following band consists of maximum energy?

      ( a )Conduction

      ( b )Valance

      ( c )Forbidden energy

      ( d )None of the above

      Correct Answer (b):   Valance

MCQs on Semiconductor: 11 to 15

11  The conduction bond is empty in

      ( a )Semiconductor

      ( b )Conductor

      ( c )Insulator

      ( d )Both (a) and (b)

      Correct Answer (c):   Insulator

12  The forbidden energy gap in the insulator is

      ( a )1 eV

      ( b )8 eV

      ( c )200 eV

      ( d )1000 eV

      Correct Answer (b):   8 eV

13  The conduction gap and valance band overlap in the

      ( a )Conductor

      ( b )Semiconductor

      ( c )Insulator

      ( d )All of the above

      Correct Answer (a):   Conductor

14  Which of the following is not trivalent impurity?

      ( a )Galium

      ( b )Boron

      ( c )Indium

      ( d )Arsenic

      Correct Answer (d):   Arsenic

15  At absolute zero temperature, the semiconductor behaves as

      ( a )Conductor

      ( b )Insulator

      ( c )Super conductor

      ( d )None of the above

      Correct Answer (b):   Insulator

MCQs on Semiconductor: 16 to 20

16  The semiconductor has _____ temperature coefficient of resistance.

      ( a )Positive

      ( b )Negative

      ( c )Flat

      ( d )Any of the above

      Correct Answer (b):   Negative

17  As the temperature increases, the resistance of the semiconductor material

      ( a )Decreases

      ( b )Increases

      ( c )Becomes zero

      ( d )Does not affect

      Correct Answer (a):   Decreases

18  The missing electron in the covalent bond is

      ( a )Hole

      ( b )Electron

      ( c )Free electron

      ( d )None of the above

      Correct Answer (a):   Hole

19  The hole consists of

      ( a )Positive charge

      ( b )Negative charge

      ( c )Neutral

      ( d )None of the above

      Correct Answer (a):   Positive charge

20  The semiconductor material in pure form is known as

      ( a )Extrinsic

      ( b )Intrinsic

      ( c )Doping

      ( d )None of the above

      Correct Answer (b):   Intrinsic


Theories on Semiconductor Materials 

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